Thursday, April 18, 2013

If Left Untreated, Bacterial Vaginosis Could Put Pregnancy At Risk

Dr. Enrique Jacome
Women are more likely to know about intimate beauty treatments than they are about serious health issues that could make them six times more likely to miscarry or give birth prematurely. 

Research published this week by Balance Activ reveals that women are much more aware of bikini waxing (67%) and vajazzles (48%) than they are about their own intimate health, with nearly two thirds of all women questioned (61%) unaware or unsure of health problems that could lead to fertility problems, miscarriage and increased risk of STI's. 

BV (Bacterial Vaginosis) affects one in three women* and because very few know about it the symptoms are often confused with other infections. It is twice as prevalent as thrush and if left untreated during pregnancy the condition can lead to serious implications:

  • Pregnant women with BV are six times more likely to miscarry and twice as likely to give birth prematurely than other women
  • It's thought BV is responsible for one in three of all premature births in the UK
  • BV can put women at risk of contracting STIs such as Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia
It seems intimate women's health is the last taboo as over a third of women questioned (38%) admit they would only feel comfortable getting health advice from online forums while nearly a fifth (19%) are too embarrassed to speak with a GP. 

The research, carried out to coincide with National BV Day (Tuesday 16th April), reveals 63% of women feel angry that more information on intimate health conditions is not made available. Health experts are now calling for more awareness of intimate health and the serious side effects that can be the result of untreated conditions.

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